Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Saturday, October 19, 2013


We are enjoying our time with Granny and Pa in Ohio.  Today we got to go to the Ohio State football game.  We had a BLAST!  Here is the story in pictures....

Thanks Granny for sharing your college days with us today!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Gas Works Park

So after we were done monkeying around at the zoo we decided to garb a late lunch/early dinner and head to the park.  The park that we choose just happened to be one that at one time was a gasification plant.  It also runs into Lake Union with an awesome view of downtown. 

Opening the value
Throwing rocks in the lake.

Mason being his funny self.
We had a very "sunny" day together!  We ended it with going home and playing water balloons....yes in 55 degrees we played with water balloons....Mason is crazy! But what can I say so am I!

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Today was full of sun and knowing that the rain will be back again tomorrow we took advantage and headed to the zoo.  (Hahaha where else would we go?!?)  The zoo is back to its non peak schedule so there were no shows to watch or elephants to feed or paper to make but we still had a blast!
They were filling the water back up so Mason could see the bear easier today and he loved it!
Did not want his picture taken...
He was very much into the snakes today.

The river otters were very active today and fun to watch!
If I was a good blogger I would be adding the picture from the very first trip to the zoo where Mason was sitting in this exact spot.....but it will have to wait for another day!
The penguins following Masons finger!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Elephant poop artwork

If you don't live by us or follow national weather I will inform you it has now been raining for FIVE days straight!  Needless to say we have pulled out all the stops for interesting activities to do inside. 

Last week we went to the local zoo and made Elephant poo paper.  Today we decided that it needed to be PAINTED! Mason did a great job painting just on the paper.