Our little boy
Friday, August 22, 2014
Home, Home on the Range
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Baby update
So now that our secret is out here are a few details.....
*Flynn Baby #2 is due February 9, 2015.
*I am 15.5 weeks
*Baby looks great and is measuring accordingly.
*I have been going to see my doctor every other week to get an ultrasound of my cervix and the baby. So far so good. No signs of any shorting or opening. If they start to see any of this then we will start talking about a cerclage.
*I am not limited on any activities but I have been very tired so I have not been doing much.
*Needless to say the goal for all parties is to keep this baby in until FULL term so we are all doing our part in this plan!
*Mason goes with me to all the appointments and LOVES when it is time to hear the heart beat. He gets this big grin on his face. They have been giving him a picture of his own, of the baby and their heart beat, and he carries it around proudly showing it to anyone that will look.
*Yes we are hoping to find out the sex of the baby.....the next chance is this Monday and if all works out and baby is helpful you all will be let in on the secret.
Here is a belly picture for anyone that is interested.....in the last week I have totally popped and I am starting to look pregnant and not just fat around the belly!!!