Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

River's Four Month Stats

Height: 23 1/2" (5-10%)
Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz (5-10%)
Head Circumference: 40.23 cm (5-10%)
BMI: 15.61
Dr. Spiegel was very impressed with River's growth in the last month.  Major highlights are that his herniated belly button is closed! He can start eating food in about 6 weeks.  His strength and tone are awesome. River even showed off his crawling/butt in the air trick when he was put on his belly!  His head control is also very strong.  The poor baby did get 3 shots and one oral vaccine today which he was not a fan of at all.  He is currently sleeping and since all of these are the same as last time I expect him to sleep most of the day : )  

Afterwards my sidekick and I got a little treat and park time (before the rain came!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Four Months Old

Happy Fourth Month River!!
You are now in size 2 diapers, 3-6 month clothes and sleeping from about 9pm to 4am.  As long as Mommy is around you are very happy......Big Brother is still your favorite and Daddy is starting to win you over!  For a month now you have only been breastfeeding (which you LOVE and can't get enough of).  We will see tomorrow how much you have grown over the last month.  You love your hands still and they are in your mouth ALL the time but you are also very social with your toys.  Any moment now you are going to roll over from your back to front.  You really enjoy laying on your side so you tend to stay there instead of going all the way over. 

We can't wait to see what this month brings!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Last Night

This little man slept through the night!!!! He went down around 9 and got up at 6 (just to eat) and then fell back to sleep till 830!This afternoon, after changing River I left his pants off and look who put them on......now granted they are 0-3month pants and on the 4.5 year old they are shorts....but still too funny that they fit everywhere else : )
 The three boys!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Look What I Can Do!

While in his swing today River intentionally reached and grab for his toy!!!!!  He was so proud of himself....he even got it up and in his mouth as well!--every time I tried to get a picture he would take it out!

Yesterday the boys and I went to the zoo and River slept the entire time!!! I finally woke him up to eat before we left but here is a cute picture I got of all three of us!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookies

River helped with his very first batch of cookies tonight........
And they were yummy!!! Brother may have snuck in some M&M's as well : )

Today we also went to the park and played ball...
We have had 70+ degree days and have enjoyed every minute of it!
Tooooooo much fun in the sun for this little one!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thumb Sucking

River has been trying for weeks and he FINALLY figured it out!!!!

In other news we are having amazing weather....
Mason and his friends having lunch and doing a cheers with their water!!!
 So glad Granny bought this tent for us FOUR  years ago......we sure use it A LOT!

Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Official.......

River is now wearing 3 to 6 month clothes......well at least today!!!! He still fits into some 0 to 3 month clothes but they are getting small : )

River loves his big brother.....and Mason loves his little brother!
Worn out after shopping at Costco!
 Pure sweetness

Thursday, April 16, 2015

All Eyes on Me

Or shall I say on big brother.  As long as he is in eye sight all is well in River's world! 
 After taking no naps at all in his bed today and only a few minuters here and there in my arms River decided the front porch was a great choice!
 And just like that he was awake again!!!!!  Good thing he is cute : )
 Here's to hoping he sleeps all the way through the night!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cooking Time With Daddy

Cue the voice of Julia Child and enjoy!

First we open the pudding...

Then we dump it in the bowl.
Slowly add the milk....
And finally stir stir stir! 
Once it is nicely mixed pour it in the molds!
Do it over the sink just incase ; )
Then put them in the freezer and wait very patiently......
If you are Mason that means do well for about an hour and then ask every five minutes from there on out!!!
They were yummy! Next time we will add some extra flare to them!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Masters Sunday

The boys started their morning with some cuddles....Then River decided it was time for a nap : )
While he rested I got everything ready for the day.
Then some friends came to watch along with us.  Unfortunately the other couple was home sick. (No group picture)
Then the weather broke so the kiddos could go outside for a bit!
 Where we did a bit of everything : )
 Then the Masters were over with a record tie low overall score and a win for a young 21 year old.  With that in the bag, River decided to take another nap.....
A sleep full of smiles......I think he was dreaming of golf!!!

We had a great weekend full of golf and friends.  
Yesterday we went to an indoor playground and Mason was 100% independent!!! (it was the same place we celebrated Nathan's birthday last year)
Here is the only pictures I got of Mason playing that weren't a blur!
He was all over the entire play structure.   So fun to see him grow and get more adventurous. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


This little guy is FULL of smiles these days!!

He loves to suck on his fist and then babble which then brings the smiles!  On a side note I have packed up all his newborn clothes.....but oh how fun he is becoming as he grows!