Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

We had a GREAT day!  Wet but great!!!!!  Mason started off as Captain Hook......
River was Tic Toc Crock
In the morning we headed downtown and did some trick or treating at the local businesses 
Then we played games at the local Eagle's Club.

Once we had had enough we went to the brewery for lunch!

We then got festive and made caramel apples!

So messy but fun!

Then it was time to go trick or treating around the neighborhood.....oh and Mason changed into Peter Pan!!!!

That way he could fight Captain Hook!  Instead of bossing around his deckhands : )

Braving the rain!

Tic Toc Crock only made it to the end of the first block!!!!!!!

Everyone else made it a few more blocks before they were soaked from head to toe and were ready for some hot chocolate 
Even though we were not out too too long we still had a BLAST! We had SO much fun as a family.  Mason's favorite candy is currently the Kit Kat bar.....he felt like the winner with 6!!!!!
We hope you all had as great of a Halloween as we did!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tooth #6

As if today was not busy enough with everything else going on......River's tooth #6 finally popped!!!!! It is the front left one that has been looking like it was going to break through for a little while now.  There are no signs of others at this point so now maybe we are done teething for a little while!  

Here are all 6 pearly whites!!!!! : )

Mason's School Halloween Party

Today we got to celebrate Halloween with Mason's at school.  First thing we got to do was make a pumpkin mask!
Then Ms. Ruth told us a story about a witch and a ghost who ended up living in a jack-o-lantern! 
Then all the kiddos told us the 5 little pumpkins poem.
Finally it was snack time!
Mason helped me make mummy juice boxes!
His favorite treat was a Rice Krispy pumpkin!It was fun enjoying the afternoon with Mason and his class mates!

10 Months Old!

Well today marks the 10th month you have been with us.  You have grown lots this month in skills AND personality!!!!!  You are great at getting into "trouble" and making messes : )
You still wear size 3 diapers and size 6 to 9 month clothes.  You are so very close to 9 month clothes!  You are really good at walking holding onto hands or on other objects  like toys that you can push.  The couch and other furniture is also great walking aids for you.  Tonight you took TWO very wobbly steps not holding onto ANYTHING!!!! Watch out world here you come!!!!! 
You still LOVE to eat.  Anything that you can feed yourself is great in your book.  As long as I give you a few things you can pick up on your tray, you will still eat a bit of baby food.  There is nothing you don't like!  Nursing is still your comfort and there is still lots of it going on when you feel the need. 
Sleeping is still a bit of a struggle.  The morning nap has been a bit of a miss the last few days and I think it is you letting me know it is no longer needed.  It has just been combined with the afternoon one.  Which now seems to happen as soon as we get in the car to take Mason to school at 12:30!

Talking--- well you love to YELL to get attention.  You have a solid ?MMMMMM sound and do say Mamama at times.  Lots of sounds and baby babble is happening and you love to talk!

Well I think that is it for the record book for now.  We love you so very much!

Happy Birthday Pa!

We sure hope you have a very special day!!!!!!

We LOVE You!!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Carving Time!

As you can see from the pictures below River LOVED the inside of the pumpkins and Mason still does not : )
We had a great time getting messy and spending time together! Mason thought he was pretty special to be able to use the carving knife.......he did give up pretty fast once he realized how hard of a job it was!  

We had so much fun we all were fast asleep by 8pm (including me!!!)

I will have to take a picture of our front porch tomorrow, in the light, because per Mason's request we hung a spider web AND made a HUGE spider today!