This cute guys is 13 Months old today! Can you believe it??? Yeah me either!!!
He is in LOVE with all things water and takes at least ONE bath a day. Partly because he only feeds himself and partly because that is how Mommy gets a shower most days!
River you are ALWAYS on the go and most of the time getting into things you should not be! When you are "sitting still" it is right next to your big brother which you absolutely adore!
We have had a few dry/warmer days in which we have taken advantage of playing outside! River loves to ride in the firetruck and stand on the scooter to be pushed around the neighborhood.
Mason and his trusty side kick! Yes River you can already blow that whistle : ) and truly are the best side kick!
You still wear size 3 diapers and 6-12 month clothes. We have gotten the 12 months clothes out but they are still very baggy/long on you. As for food you LOVE apple juice and milk as long as it is in a big boy sippy cup. You have 7 teeth. 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. Nursing is still top of your list when it is morning or bed time but in between you do just fine with a cup! You continue to love to eat and eat just about anything at any time!
You have taken interest in the tablet's games that include songs and movement. You are pointing at things and saying "want" along with developing your own language that at times cracks you and your brother up!
In short you have developed quite a personality that is all your own and so fun! River you have brought so much joy to this family in the last 13 Months. I can't wait to see what the coming months ahead have in store for us!