Food does not last long in front of this boy.....the fork has become the favorite tool. You are getting better each and every day with stabbing the food and getting it to your mouth. There is no food you don't eat and no new foods that I can think of. Noodles and guacamole are your two favorites : )
For as much as you eat you move so much that you burn it all off!!!
Size 3 diapers and still mostly 6-12 month clothes.
You still love nursing so for now it stays....although you do LOVE drinking out of big boy glasses!!!
Another big milestone was hit just a week or so ago......down the stairs you can go!!!!! You still don't do it 100% of the time but getting much better!
Anything brother does you just have to try!!! You and Mason are becoming best of buds. The two of you are always playing together. Sometimes it's chase or wrestling or playing kitchen. Other times its ball or Legos or lightsaber battles. No matter what it is the two of you enjoy doing it together!!!