You still love the park and have discovered the bridge......which your brother ALWAYS is willing to jump on to make it rock!!!!!
look at that duck tail of don't have much anywhere else except that ONE spot on the back of your head!
You are a dare devil and my gray hair count goes up by the day!
Still size 3 diapers
12 to 18 month clothes (still fit in 6 to 12 but time to move on....even if you are swimming in the others)
Teeth count: 14
Words: not many but signing milk, all done, more, dance
You eat everything in site. Still no dislikes.
You LOVE to dance and are so so cute while doing it.
You are very easy going until you want to be doing something else or by yourself!
You would spend every waking moment outside playing bubbles, riding your scooter, playing in the dirt, kicking/throwing balls, basically all things outdoorsy : )
Well that is all I can think of......
Happy 16 Months baby boy!
We love you♡♡♡