Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Thursday, December 2, 2010

New photos

Some exciting new happenings in the little man's life. Things are going well and we have photos to prove it;

Lets see if anybody can see the difference in this photo versus other previous photos. Leave your guesses in the comment section.

For those that know the area we live in, there are train tracks that run very closely to our house. They were once used for logging and some mining but they are pretty much a tourist stop now. Every now and then a life size "Thomas" comes through but they now have old cars staged there for display.

"What is the significance" you might ask?

Well, it turns out that some tracks are now running through the NICU and they have put a special stop right at the little man's house. While this train's final destination might be the North Pole, we are hopeful that he can get a ticket and a one way ride up near us here some day soon!

If you haven't guessed the difference in the first photo yet, here is a hint;

So, this is obviously a photo of me feeding our boy. This is the first time I have fed him and it was a chore, let me tell you. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done, but he didn't seem too interested in taking his bottle with me. Only a matter of time............I might not smell like his Mom or be as beautiful, but he will soon learn that I can provide food as well......even if I cant produce it ha ha.

"I have nipples Greg can you milk me?"

Anyway, hope you figured out the difference in the photo and enjoyed some new photos. God bless us all and thank you all for the prayers and continued support.

Peace, we out!


  1. Yea!!! No more nasal prongs!!!! He is TUBELESS finally! Now he just looks like a beautiful newborn baby boy! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm thrilled to hear the good news and look forward to finally meeting this tough little boy!
    Love to all of you!!!

  2. No prongs! Hoooray!

    Just keep him away from Jinxy.

  3. Whoa I was gonna guess a new adorable blankie or quilt in his crib....he looks awesome!

  4. Great guesses guys!

    No more nasal prongs, no more feeding tube, no more cords............except the ones that they are required to have by law.

    But.........there are some real adorable blankets!
