Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Time!

Hello! It has been a rainy, gloomy spring so far here but the weather has been great inside and there is ALWAYS sun shining on our lives! We are truly blessed and are reminded of it every day by the little man. Pics are right here for you!

This was 3 days before the rest of the photos. April hail brings..........???

This is his version of a gangster lean...........now all he needs is a '68 Impala and a backwards hat.

Wha.......what egg mommy? I didn't see an egg.

The two most beautiful things in my world!

He's trying to figure out how to get that whole hand in there!

Almost got it!

Does he feel a little bit like Ralphie on Christmas morning in the "Christmas Story" here?

How am I going to get THESE things in my mouth?

What a cutie!

Hope everything is well with everyone. God Bless you all on this Easter. We will return again!


  1. I couldn't be more happy to see some new photos!! And then you hit me with a Christmas Story reference!! Bliss.

    Mason is too cute for words! We just love that gorgeous baby boy!!

  2. Thanks so much Tucus.........I thought you would LOVE the Christmas Story reference. I sure did. We miss and love you!
