We are having a blast spending some time in the sun........
Mason loves to play in the sand at the beach
Playing with Granny and Grandpa
Loving the waves with Uncle Jonathan
Snack time
Getting buried in the sand
Waiting on the dinner table
Decorating for the 4th of July
Picking Uncle Jonathan's first pepper of the season
S mores.........
Digging in the dirt
All dirty
Watering the garden with Grandpa
Catching Fireflies
Letting them go.....
My own little swing...higher Grandpa higher!
Swimming in the pool
Standing in the raft
We are really enjoying putting our feet up and helping Uncle Jonathan out around the house. The days have been very very hot so we have been spending most of our time near or in the water. Mason loves taking walks with Grandpa and playing in the park. He has also decided that he no longer likes the crib and is ready for a big boy bed........
xoxoxox from the Jersey Shore!
Yay!! I've been waiting for the photos and you haven't disappointed! Rich was surprised to find out there is a beach in New Jersey :) Mason looks like he's having a blast and the adults seem pretty pleased as well!