Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Caught in the interweb?

Once again, we have been caught in the technological nexus of the universe and have been without internet for a few days. We are back in action and we do not forsee any issues goinig forward so we figured it was time to get back and post some photos.

First an update on a few loose ends..............

Mason is sleeping much better now, though he has learned to whine when he is awake. We figure he might have a tooth coming in which would cause some discomfort. We are hoping that is the issue so there would be an explanation for his sudden propensity to whine at strange times ha ha.

He is also up to 14 and a half pounds as of this writing and is doing great on his feeding. He is up to stage 2 foods and is eating the whole jar at one sitting, for the most part. We are so pleased that he is healthy and likes his food. He seems to really like mixed fruit rice cereal and pears. He also really seems to like veggies but green beans appears to be his least favorite.

Now........on to the good stuff!

We finally came out of our wet "spring" for a day of sunshine so little man and his mommy went for a walk. Is it just me or is he totally "rock star" with shades on, or does he look like a mini Jay Buhner?

Walking is hard work apparently!

This is his new eating accessory. It keeps his hands occupied so he swats food all over himself less often. He does like to try to eat the plastic toy more often than his food so it poses a whole new set of challenges.

Prunes???? Again?????

He loves his little play mat. The plastic rings must taste awesome as he samples them often.

Caught in the act!

We hope all is well with everyone and that God is pouring out his blessing on each and every one of you. He has sure poured out on us and continues to every day. Be back soon!

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