Our little boy

Our little boy
Our Little Miracle

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


While Granny was here she got Mason an early birthday present.......a balance bike. Mason has off and on rode it here and there. In the last week he has decided that he wants to keep up with the big boys in the neighborhood on his bike. This evening we went out to say hello to all the big kids and they all decided to ride around the block. Then once they did that we ended up riding to the park.(one of the perks to living where we do) Well here are a few videos of what Mason can now do on his bike. I can't believe that in just a few weeks this is what he can do!!!

Follow the links to the vidoes.....blogger would not upload them right to this page!




I think it is safe to say he is now ready to ride "around the world"

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mason you are ready to ride around the world! I better get that next bike ready!!!! Love ya
